“You’ve got a psychic fat suit.” The man — whose name might be George — nods to himself. Pleased. As if he’s caught a rare moth and nailed it to the specimen board. “You’re impossible to connect with.” We are walking down Venice boardwalk, me and my two friends. It’s years ago. Over a […]
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Do You Wear A Psychic Fat Suit? How To Drop The Mask & Emotionally Engage With Your Clients & The World
Cafe Gratitude: From the Shame of Sadness to Claiming Your Voice for Page and Stage
I’m sad. This feels shameful to write. Or stupid. Or daring — maybe not in a good way. Don’t write until you’re happy again. You don’t want to bum people out, says my brain. Eat some pistachio ice cream. Shout the lyrics to an Eminem song. Stand on your head. Something. Plus, the brain […]
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