Ballad of the Lonely Entrepreneur: You Are Not Alone!

Musician Colin Hay and me. Colin's wife Cecilia Noel's supersonic salsa gig.  Sheila E's Lounge at Vitello's. February, 2015

Musician Colin Hay and me.
Colin’s wife Cecilia Noel’s supersonic salsa gig.
Sheila E’s Lounge at Vitello’s.
February, 2015

“When was your last relationship?”

I sip water, stall for time. The man sitting across from me leans in. So close I can feel his breath graze my cheek.

We are at a high-end restaurant, tucked into a prime beachside location. The kind of joint where Hollywood types hide out, knowing people won’t bother them. Where discreet liaisons take place within ivy-garlanded walls.

It is our first date, and I can’t for the life of me remember when my last relationship was…

Confession: For the last three years, I’ve been building my business at the expense of my social life.

I’m single.

I’ve never married.

I have no children.

So I’m uniquely positioned to overwork and burrow ever deeper into business mode, 24/7. Especially when I am deeply devoted to my clients — and naturally obsessive.

Now that I’ve created a solid foundation and proven that my mastery in the art of memoir and personal story has crazy powerful application to the business world — it’s time to layer social life back in.

But how? I’m not the same person I was three years ago.

Not even close.

Back to the recent date.

“The last one, a few years ago — he was a lost boy. Not confident enough,” I say.

“Now, he works with dogs.”

The man leans back, stabs a mouthful of filet mignon, and laughs.


For now.

But it was a wake-up call.

If I want to show up fully for my business, if I want to lead — then I must keep evolving.

I want to model a fully dimensional life.

That doesn’t necessarily mean the traditional trappings of husband or wife, kids, house with white picket fence.

It does mean having a rich social life and supportive, vibrant community.

I love representing single people living a life of meaning, creating their own private economy — making an impact and helping others do the same. I love serving women and men.

So I share this blog today to let you know, you are not alone. Whether you have those trappings and still feel alone. Or whether you are a single man or woman. With children, or without. You are represented. You have worth. You have all the ingredients, the life experience and spirit — to make the income and impact you are here to make.

Yrs in truth,

P.S. Challenge. Choose an area of your life where you are not living a fully dimensional life. Make a commitment to take action in that area. Like me, with vowing to open up to dating again this year. And socializing — like the cool music gig my Topanga Canyon friends Colin Hay and Cecilia Noel threw down. What will your vow be? Carve time and space for that vow while still maintaining your commitments and schedule with your business. Comment below and let us know where you’re at, and how we can support you. Join the conversation! You are not alone.

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One Response to Ballad of the Lonely Entrepreneur: You Are Not Alone!

  1. Lisa Manyon February 15, 2015 at 11:01 pm #

    Vibrant and alive as usual. Brava!

    I’ve picked my area and have been diligently enriching. You?

    Write on!~


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