Why you must pick the powerfully inspiring 27-year-old Milennial Amanda Goolsby for this honor. (Dear readers — I wrote this for a former client. A recommendation for her to give the opening talk for Deepak Chopra’s Portland appearance at the end of September, 2016. The next day, they chose her as one of only 7 […]
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Why You Shouldn’t Quit: Happy 10th Anniversary to Writers On Fire!
I have an important message for you today. Don’t quit. The other day, I woke up to a slew of messages on LinkedIn. Congratulations! the messages said. You’ve been in business ten years! What? I’d forgotten! This is why it’s so important to celebrate, daily. Even the tiniest steps you take. Let alone the big […]
Are You Stuck? Fresh Out Of Content? Try the Desert Cure! Three Simple Steps to Get You Unstuck and in Creative Flow
Dear Stuck, I’m speaking to you. I feel your pain. Also your boredom. You have a newsletter to get out, a blog to post, a podcast to record. But you’re fresh out of stories. You’re tapped out from teaching. You simply aren’t turned on. It’s all you can do to not scroll through the Facebook […]
She Flew Through The Air…What I Learned From My Private Clients At The Flying Trapeze Lesson!
“Get ’em up. Get ’em up. Get those legs up there. Good. Now hands OUT. Look for Brad!” There she goes. Tiffany Jane Scott. She flies through the air — not with the greatest of ease. Not like a Cirque de Soleil professional. Not like a bendable gymnast. What Tiffany displays up there high above […]
A Tale of Two Entrepreneurs — A Story of Success and…
Once upon a time, there was an entrepreneur. This entrepreneur was stuck. She was confused. Overwhelmed. She knew she had to tell her personal story to make her business clear. To step up her game. To make her big dreams come true. But which one? How would she know what was her signature story? She […]
Stereopathetic Soulmanure, or, How A Beck Interview Can Crack Open Your Business
Like Alice B. Toklas, Beck prefers to sit with his back to a good view. After introducing himself and putting on a Mingus record, he sits in an acid-orange chaise longue with matching footrest. The two arched floor-to-ceiling windows behind him provide a spectactular panoramic vista of the placid Silverlake Reservoir. The air conditioning is […]
Upcoming Fall 2012 Virtual Workshop – 4 Spot Left
Only FOUR spots left in the upcoming Fall 2012 Virtual Workshop! We’ve got New York City in the house! Whether you’re an aspiring writer or an entrepreneur you’ll benefit from this immersive, intimate experience. And you can participate from Peoria, Poughkeepsie, Palm Springs or beyond. All are welcome thanks to the cutting edge technology that […]
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